unwanted effects

Last reviewed 01/2018

Based on a double-blind trial data with 2722 patients for up to 6 months:

  • headache (16% taking sildenafil versus 4% with placebo).
  • flushing (10% taking sildenafil versus 1% with placebo).
  • dyspepsia (7% taking sildenafil versus 2% with placebo).
  • nasal congestion (4% taking sildenafil versus 2% with placebo).

These effects were dose-related.

The incidence of myocardial infarction and other major cardiovascular events was not significantly higher in patients on sildenafil than om those taking placebo during either short-term use or use for up to one year. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA have had reports of 69 patients who have died since sildenafil was launched. Two of the deaths have been from stroke, 46 from cardiovascular events, and 21 deaths were from unknown or unspecified cause. The FDA is investigating these deaths but has not changed its view on sildenafil's safety.

Other effects include:

  • visual disturbances e.g. transient, mild green/blue tinging of vision - mostly with higher doses.

There have been no cases of priapsim reported whilst using sildenafil.


  • DTB (1998), 36 (11), 82-4.