Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001

Last reviewed 04/2021

These regulations define the classes of people authorised to possess or supply controlled drugs (CDs).

Schedule 1:-

  • drugs listed in Schedule 1 have no recognised medicinal use and include hallucinogenic drugs such as coca leaf, lysergide and mescaline. Production, possession and supply of drugs in this Schedule are limited, in the public interest, to research or other special purposes. Only certain persons can be licensed by the Home Office to possess them for research purposes

Schedule 2:- drugs with a wide chemical use but a high dependence liability, for example opiates, cocaine, amphetamines.

  • must be stored in a locked receptacle, such as an appropriate CD cabinet or approved safe, which can only be opened by the person in lawful possession of the CD or a person authorised by them
  • register must be kept for Schedule 2 CDs and this register must comply with the relevant regulations

Schedule 3:- Barbiturates, mazindol, pentazocine

  • Schedule 3 includes a small number of minor stimulant drugs and other drugs which are less likely to be misused than the drugs in Schedule 2, or are less harmful if misused.
  • no safe or register required

Schedule 4:-

  • Part 1 (CD Benzodiazepines) contains most of the benzodiazepines, plus eight other substances including zolpidem (but not zolpidem tartrate), fencamfamin and mesocarb
  • Part 2 (CD Anabolic steroids) contains most of the anabolic and androgenic steroids such as testosterone, together with clenbuterol (adrenoreceptor stimulant) and growth hormones (5 polypeptide hormones)
    • no restriction on the possession of a Schedule 4 Part 2 (CD Anabolic steroids) drug when it is part of a medicinal product
  • prescription-writing requirements for these CDs do not apply, except those requirements laid out in the Medicines Act 1968

Schedule 5:-

  • contains preparations of certain CDs (e.g. codeine, pholcodine, morphine) which are exempt from full control when present in medicinal products of low strengths, as their risk of misuse is reduced