
Last reviewed 01/2018

Some information concerning the prognosis in mitral regurgitation is given below:

  • mild regurgitation:
    • prognosis is good
    • risk of infective endocarditis and rarely, chordal rupture in redundant prolapsed cusps
    • regurgitation tends to increase with age

  • severe regurgitation:
    • initially, well tolerated as there is little resistance to left ventricular outflow
    • with time left ventricular failure develops
    • contractility may appear good on echo due to the diminished afterload
    • if surgical repair is left too late, abolition of mitral regurgitation results in a sudden increase in afterload which may not be tolerated by a poor left ventricle

  • ischaemic regurgitation:
    • in the longterm the prognosis is of the underlying coronary disease

  • results from surgery:

    • mortality:
      • valve replacement 6%
      • valve repair 2%
      • increased in patients with left ventricular failure

    • paraprosthetic leak:
      • about 2%
      • higher in prolapsing valves

    • residual mitral regurgitation:
      • mitral valve repair 5%
      • reoperation rate in mitral valve repair of about 2%