management of hypopharyngeal cancer

Last edited 12/2018 and last reviewed 07/2021

  • larynx-preserving treatment should be offered to people with locally-advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx if radiation and neo-adjuvant and/or concomitant chemotherapy would be suitable for them and they do not have:
    • tumour-related dysphagia needing a feeding tube
    • a compromised airway
    • recurrent aspiration pneumonias

  • radiotherapy with neo-adjuvant and/or concomitant chemotherapy should be offered if larynx-preserving treatment is suitable for the person

  • primary surgery followed by adjuvant radiotherapy should be offered to people if chemotherapy is not a suitable treatment for them

  • adjuvant radiotherapy should be offered to people having surgery as their primary treatment. Add concomitant chemotherapy if appropriate
