
Last reviewed 01/2018

  • administration by trained personnel
  • once given, it cannot be reversed
  • menstrual disturbance - may be irregular bleeding after first injection - while amenorrhoea is more usual after subsequent injection
  • delay in return to fertility
    • mean return to fertility with Depo Provera is 5.5 months
    • about 60% of women conceive within 12 months of discontinuation of Depo-Provera (85% within 24 months)
  • weight gain
    • may be up to 2-3 kg over a year on Depo Provera (1)
  • bone mineral density:
    • Depo Provera use is associated with small loss; largely recovered when DMPA is stopped (1)
  • bloating, dizziness, irritability, headaches

No evidence of effect of DMPA on depression, acne, headaches (1)


  1. NICE (October 2005). Long-acting reversible contraception