bronchial veins (anatomy)

Last reviewed 01/2018

The bronchial veins form part of the venous drainage system of the lung with the pulmonary veins. It can be divided into two sections:

  • deep system:
    • drains lung parenchyma deep to segmental divisions
    • drains into:
      • pulmonary veins between segmental septae
      • left atrium
  • superficial system:
    • drains:
      • the visceral pleura
      • the segmental and subsegmental regions of lung parenchyma in the region of the hilum
    • on the right, the bronchial veins converge on a main trunk which passes into the azygous vein
  • on the left, the bronchial veins converge on a main trunk which drains to:
      • the accessory hemiazygous vein or
      • left superior intercostal vein
    • both trunks may receive tracheal and mediastinal veins before passing to the next major vein