driving (surgical craniotomy, benign supratentorial tumour)

Last edited 06/2019

Benign supratentorial tumour

  • WHO grade I meningiomas treated by craniotomy

Group 1 entitlement:

  • Must not drive and must notify the DVLA
  • Driving may resume after 6 months provided there is no debarring residual impairment likely to affect safe driving, and no history of seizures
  • If the tumour has been associated with seizures, driving must cease for 12 months following surgery and 12 months from the date of the most recent seizure
  • WHO grade II meningiomas treated with craniotomy and/or radiosurgery and/or radiotherapy
    • Group 1 entitlement:
      • Must not drive and must notify the DVLA.
      • Driving may resume 1 year after completion of treatment
      • epilepsy regulations apply if relevant history of seizure(s)

  • Asymptomatic incidental meningiomas not needing treatment
    • May drive and need not notify the DVLA

Up-to-date guidance may be obtained from the publication "At a Glance Guide to the Current Medical Standards of Fitness to Drive" and the website www.dvla.gov.uk.
