
Last reviewed 01/2018

This is a benign, localised swelling of the gingiva.

There are two types:

  • fibrous epulis:
    • fibrous tissue tumour that arises from the periodontal membrane
    • usually presents as a slowly growing, smooth, firm lump that generally emerges between two teeth
    • this lesion is treated via excision and curettage of the origin

  • giant cell epulis:
    • consists of giant cells in a vascular stroma
    • may invade local bone
    • often, like the fibrous variety, presents as a gingival lump emerging between two teeth, however it grows more quickly and is an irregular red fleshy mass
    • the mass may ulcerate or bleed
    • treatment is extraction of associated teeth and excision and curettage of local bone, this form of treatment is necessary in order to prevent recurrence