suicide and parasuicide - a comparison

Last reviewed 01/2018


Associations (not definitive factors) with Respect to the Presentation of Suicide and Parasuicide

  Parasuicide Suicide
Trend now stationary increasing in males
Sex females > males males > females
Age below 45 above 45
marital status: divorced, single div, single & widowed
social class: class V no clear gradient
urban/rural: urban > rural rural/urban
rural/urban unemployed unemployed and retired
seasonal variation: none spring peak
broken home common common
physical illness no association associaton
psychiatric diagnosis situational, reaction, depression, alcoholism affective disorder
personality type: psycopathy common none special

suicide attempt vs. parasuicide/non suicidal self injury (NSSI) (1)

suicide attempt

non suicidal self injury (parasuicide)

the person intends to die

no suicidal intent

maybe impulsive, but in majority of people, chronic feeling of hopelessness and loneliness is present

usually the person experience increasing anger, tension, anxiety, dysphoria and general distress or depersonalisation

typically patients express more severe and life threatening methods of self harm e.g. – self poisoning, hanging, jumping, use of firearms

less severe methods of self harm is used e.g. – skin lesions by biting, cutting, burning etc

increased risk of repeated suicide attempts (but to a lesser frequency than NSSI)

recurrent self injury is common


typically the person is aware that his/her behaviour may result in serious injury, but is not life threatening
