desferrioxamine mesylate

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • desferrioxamine mesylate is used in the treatment of acute iron poisoning (commonest in children and generally accidental). Desferrioxamine chelates iron and intensive therapy with desferrioxamine increases survival of those with acute iron poisoning
  • desferrioxamine may also be used in the treatment of other conditions where severe tissue iron overload may occur e.g. aplastic and other refractory anaemias - in these cases iron overload mainly occurs secondary to repeated blood transfusions. Iron overload is especially a problem in refractory anaemias associated with hyperplastic bone marrow (e.g. thalassaemia major - in this condition inappropriate iron therapy and excessive iron absorption from the gut may add to iron overload)
  • desferroixamine may also be used in haemochromatosis where venesection is contraindicated
  • iron excretion mediated via administration of desferrioxamine is enhanced via administration of vitamin C

The summary of product characteristics should be consulted before prescribing this drug.