
Last reviewed 01/2018

Use: to replace fluid and electrolytes lost in diarrhoea Ingredients: Na+, K+, Cl-, citrate and glucose

Dose: 200-400ml solution after every loose motion Infant: 1-1 1/2 times usual feed volume Child: 200ml after every loose motion


  • sachets: make up one sachet with 200 ml of water, freshly boiled and cooled for infants
  • effervescent tablets: 2 tablets in 200 ml of water, only for adults and for children over 1 year Pack sizes: 20 sachets (blackcurrant, citrus or plain) 10 tablets (blackcurrant or citrus) After reconstitution discard any unused solution within an 1 hour of preparation unless kept refrigerated when it should keep for up to 24 hours.