photodynamic therapy for warts

Last reviewed 01/2018


This double-blind, randomised trial compared the efficacy of photodynamic therapy with topical pre-treatment with 5-aminolaevulinic acid or placebo.

Patients had recalcitrant warts which had proved resistant to standard first-line treatment. 232 warts on 45 patients were entered into the trial.

Endpoints were:

  • wart size measured from photographs taken at entry then weeks 7, 14 & 18
  • pain score

A clearance rate of 56% was achieved with photodynamic therapy.


  • all warts in this study, both in the placebo group and the treatment group, were also treated with paring and topical salicylic acid
  • adverse effects included itching and burning during therapy as well as pain during and following treatment and formation of blisters


  1. Stender, I-M, Na, R. et al.. Photodynamic therapy with 5-aminolaevulinic acid or placebo for recalcitrant foot and hand warts: randomised double-blind trial. Lancet 2000; 355: 963-66.
  2. Prescriber 2004; 5(24):36-44.