
Last reviewed 01/2018

The thoracic inlet is traversed by:

  • in the median plane, from anterior to posterior:
    • sternohyoid anterior to sternothyroid muscles
    • thymic remnants
    • inferior thyroid veins
    • trachea
    • tracheo-oesophageal sulcus containing the recurrent laryngeal nerves
    • oesophagus
    • thoracic duct displaced to the left
    • longus colli muscles
    • anterior longitudinal ligament
  • laterally:
    • on both sides:
      • cervical pleura overlying apex of lung
      • internal thoracic artery anteriorly
      • posteriorly, from medial to lateral:
        • sympathetic trunk
        • superior intercostal artery
        • ventral ramus of first thoracic nerve
  • on the left:
    • left common carotid artery
    • left subclavian artery
    • left vagus nerve between common carotid and subclavian
    • left brachiocephalic vein
    • left phrenic nerve
  • on the right:
    • brachiocephalic trunk
    • right vagus nerve, lateral to brachiocephalic trunk
    • right brachiocephalic vein
    • right phrenic nerve, lateral to brachiocephalic vein