Last reviewed 01/2018
Fertility is usually unaffected but complications may arise during labour:
- late miscarriage } due to poor implantation and/or
- premature labour } increased sensitivity to stimuli
- malpresentation - especially in uterus subseptus
- obstructed labour - if one horn of a bicornute uterus, especially a bicornute, bicollis uterus, falls behind the horn in which the conception sac has grown
- retained placenta
- postpartum haemorrhage
In a bicornute uterus with a rudimentary second horn, pregnancy may occur in the rudimentary horn. Rupture and severe haemorrhage are certain although often slightly later than in a tubal pregnancy, usually in the 16th week of gestation. If the cavity is blind ending, menstruation in the rudimentary horn will be damaged, causing haematometra and increasing dysmenorrhoea.