spinal tumours

Last reviewed 08/2021

The spine may be affected by primary or metastatic tumours. These may develop within the spinal vertebrae and spread into the spinal cord, or arise within the spinal canal or spinal medulla directly. Presentation may be with pain or with features of spinal cord compression.


  • extradural 78% - mostly metastases; myeloma, neurofibroma, lymphoma; others
  • intradural 18% - meningioma, schwannoma; others
  • intramedullary 4% - astrocytoma (grades I, II); others


  • extradural 18% - metastases and lymphoma; others
  • intradural 64% - dermoid and epidermoid cysts; others
  • intramedullary 18% - astrocytoma; others