
Last reviewed 08/2022


  • none - if mild; the rash clears spontaneously over 2-3 months
  • cradle cap - scaling may be removed by massaging arachis oil, baby oil, olive oil or 2% salicylic acid in aqueous cream into the scalp prior to using a mild shampoo
  • if the simple measures don't work, a ketoconazole 2% cream once a day can be prescribed. Continue application till a few days after the affected area has healed. Ketoconazole 2% shampoo is another option, applied twice a week, for 2-4 weeks until symptoms clear (1)
  • topical corticosteroids are usually not recommended, although they may be useful in some infants with nappy rash (1). For severe cradle cap or a more generalised dermatitis, apply a mild topical steroid such as 1% hydrocortisone, 1-2 times daily. Combine with nystatin or miconazole in the nappy area for suspected candidiasis. Generalised dermatitis should also be treated with regular use of emollients.
