hyperpigmentation not due to melanin

Last reviewed 01/2018

Causes include:

  • jaundice
  • haemosiderosis
  • carotenaemia
  • alkaptonuria
  • drugs:
    • gold (blue/grey pigmentation on light-exposed skin)
    • amiodarone (slatey grey pigmentation on light exposed skin)
    • antimalarials (generalized diffuse grey/brown pigmentation; mepacrine causes discoloration that resembles jaundice, chloroquine use may cause bleaching of hair)
    • minocycline
    • oral contraceptive pill (brownish pigmentation on the face)
    • phenytoin (brownish pigmentation on face)
  • exogenous pigment:
    • tattoos
    • iodine
    • potassium permanganate