pathological features

Last edited 02/2020

Dust containing crystalline silica is highly fibrogenic. It is far more dangerous than coal dust. A worker with 30 g of coal dust in his lungs may be asymptomatic and perfectly well whereas only 3 g of silicon dust in a worker's lung may cause extensive fulminating fibrosis, respiratory failure and death.

  • silicosis is caused by inhalation and deposition of large amounts of crystalline silica over time (1)
    • when silica dust is inhaled, the particles deposit within the distal airways
      • macrophages ingest these particles and initiate an inflammatory response by releasing proinflammatory molecules such as tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1, and other cytokines - this inflammatory response often leads to the formation of nodular lesions and tissue fibrosis

Silicotic nodules have concentric whorls or densely arranged collagen fibres with a variable amount of hyaline change

  • silicosis is characterized by fibrotic nodules with concentrically arranged collagen fibers, central hyalinization, and fibrotic lesions
  • (2)

Macrophages and alveoli may also contain silica.

The heaviest infiltration of silica in alveoli is seen in the most proximal alveoli that open off the respiratory bronchioles.

Notes (3):

  • in the health context, silica usually refers to respirable crystalline silica dust, respirable dust being the fine particles, usually invisible to the naked eye and mostly smaller than 7 microns in diameter


  • Sato T et al. Silicosis and lung cancer: current perspectives. Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2018; 9: 91-101.
  • Leung CC et al.Silicosis. Lancet 2012; 379 (9830): 2008-2018.
  • Rees D, Murray J. Silica, silicosis and tuberculosis.Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2007;11(5):474-484