
Last reviewed 01/2018

Benign gastric and duodenal ulceration - adult:

  • 400mg bd (breakfast and at night) or 800mg at night
  • continue at least 4 weeks (6 weeks in gastric ulceration and 8 weeks if continuing NSAID)
  • when necessary, increase to 400mg qds
  • max 2.4g/day in divided doses (rarely, eg stress ulcer)
  • maintenance 400mg at night or 400mg morning and night

Reflux oesophagitis - Adult: 400mg 4 times/day for 4-8 weeks Infant under 1 year: 2mg/kg daily in divided doses Child over 1 yr: 25-30mg/kg daily in divided doses

Pack sizes: tabs 200mg x 120, 400mg x 60, syrup 200mg/5ml x 600ml. See BNF for other formulations. OTC: 100mg tabs for short-term symptomatic relief only.