malabsorption of macronutrients

Last reviewed 01/2018

Osmotically active carbohydrates trap water in the small intestine, producing:

  • watery diarrhoea
  • abdominal distension, discomfort, and borborygmus (excessive flatulence due to colonic fermentation)

Unabsorbed fat impairs colonic salt and water absorption prodcing steatorrhoea with bulky, foul smelling stools with oily globules in the pan after flushing. Stool bulk is increased more than frequency, in contrast to the diarrhoea of colonic disease.

Protein malabsorption results in muscle wasting, oedema, and rarely, ascites.

Other general effects are weight loss, usually from anorexia and avoidance of foods which aggravate symptoms. Rarely, apetite is increased.