tissue effects

Last reviewed 01/2018

Oestrogens have a number of specific effects on tissues:

  • uterus:
    • proliferation of uterine mucosa
    • strengthening of uterine smooth muscle contraction
  • vagina:
    • thickening of mucosa
    • sloughing of epithelial cells
  • cervix: modulation of consistency of mucus plug in order to regulate sperm transit
  • gametes:
    • maturation of follicle
    • maturation of egg
    • hastens ovum transit along Fallopian tube
    • prepares sperm for junction with ovum
  • hormonal:
    • feedback on release of FSH and LH
  • central nervous system:
    • affects mood e.g. premenstrual tension
    • increases sexual desire
  • skin:
    • increase hypodermal lipid deposits
    • reduces number of sebaceous glands
  • bone:
    • decreased rate of growth
    • increased rate of epiphyseal closure
    • increased osteoblastic activity
  • salt and fluid homeostasis: fluid retention
  • liver metabolism: increased protein synthesis including transport globulins for various hormones
  • glucose: impaired glucose tolerance