risk factors

Last reviewed 07/2021

Risk factorsrelated to sexual behaviour:

  • age - peak incidence in 15 - 24 year old age group
  • untreated male partner
  • recent change of male partner – within previous 3 months
  • sexual activity: - PID is rare among nuns and lesbians - women with multiple partners show a five fold increased risk
  • previous PID - 25% risk of recurrence
  • past history of STD – in patient or partner

Recent instrumentation of the uterus or interruption of the cervical barrier

  • intrauterine contraceptive device - two to nine fold increase in risk, mostly during the first 6 weeks after insertion
  • surgical procedures: -
    • termination of pregnancy
    • dilatation and curettage
    • tubal surgery - removal of retained products
    • hysteroscopy - laparoscopy and dye
    • in vitro fertilisation and intrauterine insemination (1)
