Six Item Cognitive Impairment Test (6CIT)

Last reviewed 11/2023

Six Item Cognitive Impairment Test (6CIT)

(6CIT - Kingshill Version 2000, Dementia screening tool)

Ask - What year is it?

Correct - 0 points

Incorrect - 4 points

Ask - What month is it?

Correct - 0 points

Incorrect - 3 points

Say - Give the patient an address phrase to remember with 5 components,

eg John, Smith, 42, High St, Bedford

Ask - About what time is it (within 1 hour)

Correct - 0 points

Incorrect - 3 points

Ask - Count backwards from 20-1

Correct - 0 points

1 error - 2 points

More than 1 error - 4 points

Ask - Say the months of the year in reverse

Correct - 0 points

1 error – 2 points

More than 1 error - 4 points

Ask - Repeat address phrase

John, Smith, 42, High St, Bedford

Correct - 0 points

1 error - 2 points

2 errors - 4 points

3 errors - 6 points

4 errors - 8 points

All wrong - 10 points


Outcome from Score

0-7 = normal Referral not necessary at present
8- 9 = mild cognitive impairment Probably refer
10-28 = significant cognitive impairment Refer
