cytology and histology

Last reviewed 01/2018

The sebaceous gland is a multilobed structure containing layers of cells on a basal lamina. With the light microscope, the slow advance of cells towards superficial surface of a duct is marked by the gradual accumulation of lipid within their cytoplasm. Cells are pushed upwards by the continuous division of peripheral cells within the periphery of a lobe. Eventually, the lipid occupies the whole cell which dies and is dicharged into the lobar duct and eventually onto the hair follicle.

Ultrastructurally, basal cells within the gland contain abundant synthetic organelles such as mitochondria and Golgi bodies. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is abundant, reflecting the increased lipid production.

Immunocytochemistry has shown enzymes within the gland involved in the production of potent androgens from circulating precursors.