mandible grip method

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • prepare the patient as already described
  • protect your thumbs with surgical gloves and a clean cloth such as a handkerchief
  • stand in front of the patient with your thumbs on his back lower molars
  • grip the mandible tight on the dislocated side(s) with your index finger behind the ramus and your other fingers beneath the mandible
  • get the patient to brace his head against the back of the chair
  • push the down and back suddenly and you should feel the 'clonk' as it goes back into place


  • avoid the following / precautions (1) :
    • to get the thumbs bitten when the jaw snaps back into position.
      • firm, steady traction with gauze should be maintained to protect the thumbs .
    • putting pressure on oral prostheses that could cause them to break.
    • attempting to reduce a TMJ dislocation with the patient's jaw at the height of your shoulders or above.
    • trying to force the patient's jaw shut.
