management of neonatal jaundice

Last reviewed 08/2023

Management is as follows:

  • diagnosis and correction of any underlying abnormality is important
  • fluid and caloric intake will prevent worsening jaundice
  • unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia may be treated with phototherapy or with exchange transfusion
  • conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia due to obstruction would be treated with the appropriate management for the underlying condition. Phototherapy or exchange transfusion may be required depedning on level of hyperbilirubinaemia
  • management options for hyperbilirubinaemia have been stated by NICE (1):
    • monitoring, or,
    • phototherapy, or,
    • exchange transfusion
    • NICE have issued guidance as to the levels of raised bilirubin and age of the neonate when each management strategy is indicated:
      • For treatment threshold graphs for phototherapy and exchange transfusion for babies with gestational ages from 23 weeks to 38 weeks or more

        Consensus-based bilirubin thresholds for management of babies 38 weeks or more gestational age with hyperbilirubinaemia

        Table 1: Bilirubin levels when a repeat bilirubin measurement in 6-12 hours is indicated

        Age (hours) Bilirubin measurement (micromol/litre)
        0 -
        6 >100
        12 >100
        18 >100
        24 >100
        30 >112
        36 >125
        42 >137
        48 >150
        54 >162
        60 >175
        66 >187
        72 >200
        78 -
        84 -
        90 -
        96+ -

        Table 2: Bilirubin levels when a clinician should consider phototherapy and repeat bilirubin measurement in 6 hours

        Age (hours) Bilirubin measurement (micromol/litre)
        0 -
        6 > 112
        12 >125
        18 >137
        24 >150
        30 >162
        36 >175
        42 >187
        48 >200
        54 >212
        60 >225
        66 >237
        72 >250
        78 >262
        84 >275
        90 >287
        96+ >300

        Table 3: Bilirubin levels when starting phototherapy is indicated

        Age (hours) Bilirubin measurement (micromol/litre)
        0 >100
        6 > 125
        12 > 150
        18 > 175
        24 > 200
        30 > 212
        36 > 225
        42 > 237
        48 > 250
        54 > 262
        60 > 275
        66 > 287
        72 > 300
        78 > 312
        84 > 325
        90 > 337
        96+ > 350

        Table 4: Perform an exchange transfusion unless the bilirubin level falls below threshold while the treatment is being prepared

        Age (hours) Bilirubin measurement (micromol/litre)
        0 > 100
        6 > 150
        12 > 200
        18 > 250
        24 > 300
        30 > 350
        36 > 400
        42 > 450
        48 > 450
        54 > 450
        60 > 450
        66 > 450
        72 > 450
        78 > 450
        84 > 450
        90 > 450
        96+ > 450

