various clinical presentations of familial prion disease

Last reviewed 01/2018

The various prion protein mutations and their associated phenotypes are given below:

  • similar to sporadic CJD:
    • codon 178 (with valine at codon 129)
    • codons 200, 210, 232
    • codon 198 may give a CJD syndrome
    • insert mutations may give CJD or GSS

  • slowly progressive dementia:
    • codon 145

  • slowly progressive ataxia, upper motor neurone signs and dementia:
    • codon 102 is the common cause of GSS
    • insert mutations may give CJD or GSS
    • codon 117

  • insomnia, dysautonomia and dementia:
    • codon 187 (with methionine at codon 129), the cause of FFI


  • CJD = Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
  • GSS = Gerstmann-Straussler-Sheinker disease
  • FFI = fatal familial insomnia


  • 1) Will, RG. "Prion related disorders". (1999) J. Roy. Col. Physicians. 33(4), 311-5