insertion of catheter

Last reviewed 01/2018


  • empty patient's bladder to prevent it's accidental puncture - drain with a urinary catheter if necessary
  • using an aseptic technique, puncture the abdominal wall about 2.5 cm below the umbilicus in the midline; if there is an operation scar, try a more lateral site. Avoid the area of the inferior epigastric artery denoted by a line running from the femoral artery to the umbilicus
  • infiltrate with 10-15 ml of 1% lignocaine
  • aspirate for gas, indicating that bowel has been perforated; if free fluid is obtained, send samples for culture and amylase estimation
  • position catheter tip in the retrovesical pouch
  • secure catheter in place

Selection of catheter:

  • short term - hard PVC catheter
  • long term - soft Silastic rubber catheter (Tenckoff; Oreopoulos)