tumours suitable for mastectomy
Last reviewed 01/2018
The tumours best treated with mastectomy include:
- patient preference:
- small tumours may be amenable to conservative treatment, but the patient may have a strong feeling that mastectomy will provide more peace of mind
- patient may prefer to avoid radiotherapy with its attendant complications
- size of tumour:
- tumours greater than 2-3cm in small breasts; generally, removal of masses greater than this size results in a cosmetic defect that is unacceptable
- in larger breasts, masses up to 4cm have been treated with breast conservation with little aesthetic deficit and what is believed to be little influence on prognosis
- those with clinical or radiographic evidence of more than one tumour:
- more prevalent with lobular carcinoma
- multifocal disease:
- presence of synchronous tumour within the the same quadrant
- increases with increasing primary tumour size
- widespread multifocal disease is probably best treated with mastectomy
- multicentric disease: presence of synchronous tumour outside of the same quadrant
- poor tumour differentiation
- centrally-located tumours:
- often difficult to excise by conservative measures without poor cosmesis due to loss of nipple
- many women prefer mastectomy to simple conservation if the nipple will be lost by both techniques