acyclovir in herpes zoster treatment

Last reviewed 01/2018

If oral acyclovir is used within 48 hours of the onset of the rash it reduces:

  • the acute pain during treatment
  • the time when lesions form by about 12 hours
  • the time until loss of vesicles and full crusting

In two smaller trials oral acyclovir:

  • may have been effective if used within 72 hours of onset of the rash
  • reduced post-herpetic neuralgia


  • Wood MJ et al (1988). Am J Med, 85(2a), 79-83
  • Huff JC et Al (1988). Am J Med, 85 (2a), 84-9
  • Morton P et al (1989) New Zealand Medical Journal, 102, 93-5