
Last reviewed 01/2018

In general the treatment for vasculitis may be classified according to the size of the vessels affected:

  • large vessel vasculitis:
    • steroids

  • medium vessel vasculitis:
    • steriods
    • cytotoxic agent e.g. cyclophosphamide

  • small vessel vasculitis:

    • ANCA-associated:
      • crescentic glomerulonephritis:
        • pulsed steroids
        • cytotoxic agent
        • plasma exchange if dialysis dependent
      • other ANCA vasculitides:
    • steroids
      • cytotoxic agent

    • anti-glomerular basement membrane disease:
      • steroids
      • cytotoxic agent
      • plasma exchange

    • immune complex disease:
      • treatment depends on the cause