undressing and general inspection

Last reviewed 04/2021

The first stage of the baby check should include:

  • introduction and handwashing
  • enquiry about any specific concerns; parents may use this time to tell you about a family history they are worried about, to mention poor feeding, or to ask what needs to be done about some antenatal finding.
  • start by undressing the baby. If you are not sure that you'll be able to calm the child and hear the heart later then you might like to auscultate now. Whilst undressing, consider the tone and general handling of the baby. Leave the nappy on for now; baby boys have unerring aim during baby checks, and baby girls aren't much safer. However, the nappy should be removed when examining the relevent areas.
  • have a general look for dysmorphology; start by thinking whether this baby looks normal or not; if the baby looks odd, try to decide why.
  • look at the skin; look for cyanosis and jaundice