eczema herpeticum

Last reviewed 01/2018

Eczema herpeticum is a severe primary herpes infection that may occur in individuals with eczema. There are widespread herpetic lesions over the affected skin.

  • signs of eczema herpeticum are (1):
    • areas of rapidly worsening, painful eczema
    • clustered blisters consistent with early-stage cold sores
    • punched-out erosions (circular, depressed, ulcerated lesions) usually 1-3 mm that are uniform in appearance (these may coalesce to form larger areas of erosion with crusting)
    • possible fever, lethargy or distress

Patients with this condition are treated with intravenous and topical acyclyovir, and broad spectrum antibiotics are added in to treat or prevent superinfection. It is necessary to scrupulously care for the skin and carefully monitor fluid and electrolyte balance.

Click here for example images of eczema herpeticum
