
Last reviewed 01/2018

Hsu (1980) provides information regarding the 4-8 year follow-up of 102 female anorexic patients who had attended hospital in London. His follow up revealed:

  • normal body weight = 65
  • obese = 2
  • less than 75% ideal weight = 16
  • weight between 75% ideal weight and ideal weight = 19
  • died of starvation = 2

This study only gives information regarding possible short-term prognosis of patients with this condition. However it appears that the majority will, after treatment, return to, and maintain, an ideal body weight.

Mortality rates are far higher than for other psychiatric illnesses. They appear to be higher in people with lower weight during their illness and those presenting between 20-29 years of age. The average annual risk of mortality has been calculated to be 0.59% per year in females (2).
