
Last reviewed 10/2020

Although Mycosis Fungoides/Szesary syndrome are generally considered incurable conditions, it is important to recognize that the majority of patients have an indolent form of the disease and will live for many years

  • estimated that 65% to 85% of patients with MF have stage IA or IB disease
    • the majority of patients with early-stage disease (stages IA, IB, and IIA) do not progress to more advanced-stage disease
      • patients presenting with isolated patch or plaque disease (T1-T2) have a median survival of more than 12 years

  • stage IIB, III, IVA
    • patients with advanced-stage disease (stages IIB, III, and IVA) with tumors, erythroderma, and lymph node or blood involvement but no visceral involvement has a median survival of 5 years from time of presentation

  • stage IVB
    • patients with visceral involvement are rare (stage IVB) and have a median survival of only 2.5 years or less


  • Kim YH, Liu HL, Mraz-Gernhard S, Varghese A, Hoppe RT. Long-term outcome of 525 patients with mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome: clinical prognostic factors and risk for disease progression. Arch Dermatol. 2003;139(7):857-866.