
Last reviewed 01/2018

There are four types of benign small bowel tumours that have a strong tendency for malignant change. Each shows a spectrum of activity from truly benign to frank cancer. They include:

  • villous adenoma:
    • closely associated with carcinoma
    • small bowel polyps may accompany up to half of all cases of Gardner's syndrome
  • smooth muscle tumours:
    • may present with haemorrhage, obstructive symptoms or a palpable mass
    • treated by wide resection and occasionally respond to chemotherapy
  • duodenal apudomas:
    • 10% of all gastrinomas arise at this site
    • treated by local excision or pancreatoduodenectomy
  • carcinoid tumours:
    • the ileum is the second most frequent site of occurrence
    • approximately one third have metastasized by the time of diagnosis