cellular action

Last reviewed 01/2018

Histamine acts via two types of target receptor:

  • H1:
    • activation causes an increase in cytosolic calcium
    • found predominantly on smooth muscle of gut and lung where it promotes contraction; bronchial histamine has a role in asthma
    • in vessels, an important role in inflammation as epitomised by the triple response:
      • vasodilatation of arterioles
      • vasodilatation of pre-capillary sphincters
      • increased permeability of post-capillary venules
  • H2:
    • activation causes an increase in adenylate cyclase
    • in the stomach, H2 receptors stimulate the production of acid by parietal cells
    • in the heart, H2 receptors cause positive inotropy and chronotropy

It may also act indirectly, as it does in the stimulation of free nerve endings to cause pruritus.