
Last reviewed 07/2021

Pain may be referred to the ear from the nerves listed below; for each, the disorder causing the stimulus is detailed.

Auriculo-temporal branch of the trigeminal nerve (V):

  • dental abscess
  • dental caries
  • impacted molar teeth
  • temporo-mandibular joint lesions - e.g. Costen's syndrome

Tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX):

  • post-tonsillectomy
  • tonsillitis or quinsy
  • carcinoma at the base of the tongue or tonsil
  • neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve

Sensory branch of the facial nerve (VII):

  • geniculate herpes / Ramsay Hunt syndrome

Auricular branch of the vagus nerve (X):

  • carcinoma of the piriform fossa
  • carcinoma of the larynx
  • post-cricoid carcinoma

Great auricular nerve (C2 / C3)

Lesser occipital nerve (C3):

  • cervical spondylosis