epididymal cysts

Last reviewed 01/2018

Cysts may develop in the upper pole of the epididymis and present as a painless scrotal mass.

The condition is most common in the middle-aged and elderly. Occasionally, congenital lesions may be found in relation to remnants of testicular and epididymal development.

Cysts are frequently multiple, and may be bilateral. Often, one cyst is larger than the rest. They contain clear fluid and may be of any size.

On examination, it is possible to get above the mass which is palpable separately from the testis and so, readily distinguished from a hydrocoele. The cysts are fluctuant and transilluminate.

No treatment is required if the patient is asymptomatic. Troublesome lesions may be tapped or removed surgically.


  • cyst-like sperm granulomas can occur in up to 60% of vasectomy sites