obesity and hypertension

Last edited 02/2022 and last reviewed 03/2022

The relationship between obesity and hypertension is complicated by the frequent presence of compounding factors such as physical inactivity and a high dietary salt intake.


  • there is a linear relationship between excess body fat and hypertension
  • weight reduction in the obese leads to a fall in blood pressure
  • weight loss of 1 kg results in approximately 1-2 mmHg reduction in blood pressure
  • alcohol consumption appears to have an additive effect
  • a study found younger age at onset of overweight across adulthood is linked to significantly increased risk of hypertension, with highest relative risk among onset of overweight at age 18-39 years (HR vs normal-weight controls:1.38; 95% CI 1.11-1.72) (1)


  • Fang LW et al. Association between age at onset of overweight and risk of hypertension across adulthood. Heart Published Online First: 21 February 2022. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2021-320278