orbital complications of sinusitis

Last edited 09/2018

The most common complications of rhinosinusitis are orbital, and they are associated in order of decreasing frequency with the ethmoid, maxillary, frontal and rarely the sphenoid sinus

Orbital cellulitis, periorbital abscess and periorbital cellulitis may follow frontal or ethmoidal sinusitis.

Such complications result from the close relation of these sinuses to the orbit, the presence of pus under pressure and the fragile nature of the lamina papyracea.

Orbital complications may occur within a few hours of the onset of symptoms of sinusitis and may be manifest as:

  • swollen eyelid & proptosis
  • restricted eye movements
  • reduced visual acuity


  • it is important to note that orbital complications in children may occur without pain


  1. Fokkens WJ et al.European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012. Rhinol Suppl. 2012;23:3 p