investigations in possible delirium

Last edited 06/2018

Older people presenting with delirium should undergo basic laboratory investigations

  • complete blood count
  • measurement of electrolyte levels
  • renal and liver panel
  • urinalysis
  • electrocardiography.

Further investigations should be based on the patient's chief concern, medical history, current illness, and physical examination findings:

  • endocrine causes
    • thyroid-stimulating hormone
    • serum glucose levels
    • serum cortisol level
    • adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test
  • infection
    • blood culture
    • chest radiography
    • lumbar puncture
    • urinalysis with culture
  • malnutrition, social isolation
    • measurement of vitamin B12, folate, albumin, and prealbumin levels
  • pain, recent trauma or surgery
    • pain assessment scale
  • neurologic: focal neurologic deficits, seizure
    • neurologic examination
    • computed tomography of the head
    • electroencephalography
  • rheumatologic: fatigue, intermittent fevers, myalgias, arthralgias
    • erythrocyte sedimentation rate
    • C-reactive protein level (1)
