risk to travellers of cholera

Last edited 05/2022 and last reviewed 05/2022

The risk to travellers in general has been estimated as 0.2 cases per 100 000 European and North American travellers

  • this figure may be deceptive - this is because many travellers experience few or very mild symptoms and consequently they may not seek medical help
  • the risk is increased if the traveller is living in unhygienic conditions, travelling to remote areas or working in a disaster area or refugee camp (1).

The best way of prevention when travelling is to follow food and water hygiene:

  • wash hands after using the toilet and before cooking or eating
  • disinfect drinking water by boiling, using water purification tablets or water filtration devices:
    • avoid ice. Bottled, carbonated drinks, with intact seals and hot drinks made with boiled water are usual safe.
    • use bottled water or boiled, cooled tap water for brushing your  teeth. Don’t use water from natural sources such as rivers or streams, uncovered wells or untreated tap water. 
  • try to eat recently prepared, thoroughly cooked food, served piping hot:
    • salads or uncooked fruit and vegetables should not be consumed unless they have been washed and peeled carefully
    • buffets, food from street traders, unpasteurised dairy products and raw or undercooked meat, fish or shellfish should be avoided (1).
