follow-up of prescription of combined oral contraceptive pill

Last edited 03/2020


  • in the absence of special problems, women can be given up to 12 months supply of COC at the first visit and encouraged to return at any time if problems arise
  • - although there could be some potential wastage, cost and use of resource associated with frequent follow-up appointments are avoided. It may be appropriate to provide a more limited supply (e.g. 3 months) for women who would benefit from returning for a follow-up visit (e.g. women with pre-existing significant medical conditions).
  • appropriate written information should be provided to all women prescribed COC
  • women should be provided with telephone numbers of appropriate local and national helplines providing advice on contraception and sexual health

For full details consult the reference below.


  1. FSRH (July 2019). Combined Hormonal Contraception