screening for anorexia nervosa

Last reviewed 11/2020

Target groups for screening for eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa include (1):

  • young women with low BMI compared with age norms
  • patients consulting with weight concerns who are not overweight
  • women with menstrual disturbances or amenorrhoea
  • patients with gastro-intestinal symptoms
  • patients with symptoms or signs of starvation or repeated vomiting
  • children with poor growth
  • young people with type 1 diabetes and poor treatment adherence

The SCOFF questionnaire aids in early detection of possible cases of eating disorders. A few additional questions may be helpful in detecting eating disorders and eliciting psychopathology in target groups (1,2):

  • do you worry excessively about your weight?
  • do you think that you have an eating problem?
  • do you avoid eating with others?
  • which foods feel 'safe' to you and what do you avoid?
  • what would you say your ideal weight is?
  • how would you feel if you were the normal weight for your height?
  • do you have compulsions to binge or over exercise?
  • do you ever vomit, abuse laxatives, and/or diuretics?
  • do you ever get depressed, feel guilty or suicidal?
  • has your life become more ritualised?
