risk factors for decompression illness

Last reviewed 05/2021

  • patent foramen ovale (PFO)
    • when the right atrial pressure exceeds the left atrial pressure, will allow bubbles from the venous circulation to bypass the pulmonary circulation and enter directly into the arterial circulation
  • other risk factors for decompression illness (DCI) are thought to be age, poor physical fitness, cigarette smoking, dehydration, carbon dioxide retention and possibly obesity


  • divers and acclimatisation
    • divers who are being placed under pressure frequently can become acclimatised to a particular pressure, but this acclimatisation quickly wears off over 2-3 days if the diver has time off
  • flying or high altitude travel after diving
    • flying and high altitude travel are associated with a reduction in atmospheric pressure and inert gas bubbles are therefore likely to form more readily if such travel is undertaken shortly after a dive. A good general rule is to avoid flying or high altitude travel for at least 24 h after diving