role of general practitioners in cervical screening

Last reviewed 11/2020

All general practitioners and other clinicians responsible for requesting tests have the responsibility of:

  • providing women with the necessary information and advice to make an informed choice regarding whether to participate or not
  • maintaining a register of tests done by the patient
  • to ensure that the woman's address on the test request form is up to date
  • making sure that there is a system which informs women of her test results in writing e.g. - may be through the routine call and recall system administered by the primary care trust
  • ensuring the women who fall outside the call and recall system (eg temporary residents, women not registered with a GP and women requesting 'no correspondence') receives their test results
  • ensuring that for every sample taken a test result has been issued by the laboratory
  • acting on non-responder notifications for women who have not responded to an invitation for routine tests, early repeat test and colposcopies
  • referring a woman for colposcopy, if required
  • handing over the test result in person when urgent referral is indicated
  • responding to failsafe enquiries by laboratories (1)
