
Last reviewed 07/2021

The incidence of DVT in older population is estimated to be at 20 per 10,000 per year while it is much lower in younger people (2-3 per 10 000 per annum). The incidence is most likely to be underestimated since asymptomatic and uninvestigated cases are not included (1).

The risk of VTE is significantly increased in patients who are hospitalised after trauma, surgery or immobilising medical illness, and also in pregnant and puerperal women (2). Absolute risk of DVT in hospitalized patients is as follows (in patients not receiving thromboprophylaxis):

  • medical patients 10–20%
  • general surgery 20–30%
  • major gynaecological surgery 20–30%
  • major urological surgery 20–30%
  • neurosurgery 20–50%
  • stroke 20–50%
  • hip or knee arthroplasty, hip fracture surgery 40–60%
  • major trauma 40–80%
  • spinal cord injury 60–100%
  • critical care patients 10–100% (3)
