World Health Organization classification of functional status for primary pulmonary hypertension

Last reviewed 05/2022

World Health Organization classification of functional status for primary pulmonary hypertension

  • Class I - No limitation in physical activity; ordinary physical activity does not cause dyspnea or fatigue

  • Class II - Slight limitation in physical activity; ordinary physical activity produces dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain, or near-syncope; no symptoms at rest

  • Class III - Marked limitation of physical activity; less than ordinary physical activity produces dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain, or near-syncope; no symptoms at rest

  • Class IV - Unable to perform any physical activity without symptoms; dyspnea and/or fatigue present at rest; discomfort increased by any physical activity


  • Rich S, ed. Executive Summary from the World Symposium on Primary Pulmonary Hypertension; September 6-10, 1998; Evian, France.