Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST)

Last reviewed 06/2023


  • is a five-step screening tool to identify adults, who are malnourished, at risk of malnutrition (undernutrition), or obese
  • also includes management guidelines which can be used to develop a care plan. It is for use in hospitals, community and other care settings and can be used by all care workers

The 5 'MUST' Steps

  • Step 1 Measure height and weight to get a BMI score using chart provided. If unable to obtain height and weight, use the alternative procedures shown in this guide
  • Step 2 Note percentage unplanned weight loss and score using tables provided
  • Step 3 Establish acute disease effect and score
  • Step 4 Add scores from steps 1, 2 and 3 together to obtain overall risk of malnutrition
  • Step 5 Use management guidelines and/or local policy to develop care plan

Click here for link to MUST calculator